Do You Know How To Kiss?
Snog, suck face, pash, mush. Call it what you will, a kiss can take a relationship to the next level or reduce it to zero, depending on how well you do it...
Never underestimate the power of a kiss. Theory has it that we sum a person up within the first five minutes of meeting them. It's the same with a kiss. We sum up the staying-power of potential new partners within five seconds of that first kiss. Many a potential new bed partner has been given their marching orders after discovering that those beautiful bedroom eyes don't belong to the same package as the lips that belong down the toilet. After all, if your kissing mate hasn't mastered the art of kissing what hope is there for, ahem, anything else?
So, what makes a good kiss, and better still, a good kisser? Given that "How to Kiss #101" is not required reading at Elementary School, we've assembled our comprehensive guide about how to kiss. Read, learn, practice and enjoy! How to Kiss
![]() How to French KissStart by setting the scene, make sure the mood and time are just right. It's also a good idea to know the person you're about to French kiss. Engaging a woman you met ten minutes ago in the bank queue in a passionate French kiss is likely to result in a passionate French slap. It's been said a million times, but knowing and loving the person you're about to kiss raises the stakes and the thermometer dramatically.
Relax and let go of any tension in your neck and shoulders. Start slowly with a gentle kiss and build up gradually. Once you've engaged your partner's lips, gently open your mouth and encourage them to open theirs by softly nudging their mouth with your tongue. Or try softly touching their lips with the tip of your tongue.
Choosing to open or close your eyes is up to you. It can be fun to open your eyes mid-kiss to gauge the reaction of your sweetheart, or check to see if they've got their eyes open too. Kissing with your eyes open is the sensual equivalent of making love with the lights on, so give it a go.
Slowly move your tongue inside the other person's mouth, playfully touching their tongue with yours. Use the tip of your tongue (yes, only the tip) to explore their mouth. Open your mouth a little wider than you would for a normal kiss but not so wide you start introducing excess saliva. Anyway, after a while having your mouth open too wide starts to feel uncomfortable - a little like being in the dentist's chair for too long with a mouth guard in place.
Be aware of how your partner is reacting. If they seem tense and try to pull away, stop what you're doing. If their ardor increases, you know you're on the right track.
Slowly increase the passion and intensity of your kiss and playfully engage in exploring each other's lips, mouth and tongue. Move your tongue round and about, side to side, clockwise, anti-clockwise, whatever feels good.
Remember with French kissing less is more. Try not to prolong the kiss for too long because one of two things will start to happen. Your tongue will tire or your partner will tire of your tongue.
And always end a French kissing session with a tender, soft ending kiss. Wait a few minutes, then start the whole process all over again, and again, and again.
Butterfly Kisses
I must have done something right To deserve a hug every morning And butterfly kisses at night.
People have varying opinions about what a butterfly kiss really is. Some consider them to be the ones you blow off your hand while others believe them to be very soft, gentle kisses placed all over the face and neck. Butterfly kisses are supposed to resemble the feeling of a butterfly's wings gently brushing your skin.
Whatever you consider them to be, butterfly kisses are a joy to give and receive. Having your nose, cheeks, forehead, ears and neck brushed with loving gentle kisses is a sure way to win approval and lots of loving in return.
Learning how to kiss is one of the best activities you can try. It certainly beats the heck out of learning to crochet.
Choosing the right instructor is half the fun. Maybe you could try making a game out of who is the teacher and who is the pupil, and of course, plenty of revision classes would be necessary until you get the perfect pash.
Just remember that the art of kissing has been around for centuries, and that it's not to be taken too seriously. Just sit back, or stand up, (whatever gets you going), relax and enjoy!